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Phazon Performance Programmes

Get coached on a budget

Our Performance Programmes

Our Phazon Performance Programmes are a cost effective way to train that bridges the gap between a bespoke, intensive coaching experience and simply downloading a plan you follow in your own time with no support. 

Each programme starts with a 60 minute onboarding call where we introduce ourselves, the plan is delivered to you, and we can make any immediate adjustments to the plan. It could be you have more time available to you than the average triathlete, so we can nudge the volume up. Or you may be a very accomplished swimmer who needs a totally different approach to your training. Maybe you ave a niggling run injury which means we need to back off on the run intensity for the time being. This allows us to personalise a plan to you, without needing to pay for several hours of a coach’s time.  

You are then offered the option of joining the WhatsApp group for the plan in question, where you can connect with others on the same programme, share your wins and ask questions. You can also join our weekly Q+A session where you have the opportunity to ask questions via video call, and receive a more in depth response. 

We have programmes available for several events, of of varying lengths. Have a look at the list below to find the right programme for you.

Download Four Free Triathlon eBooks Today!

Claim your four free ebooks worth £20

Triathlon is a confusing sport, we’re here to help you make sense of it. Input your email address into the box below and we’ll send them straight over to you
  • Triathlon Race Day Success
  • Components of Successful Triathlon Training
  • Benefits of Strength and Conditioning for Triathlon
  • How to Qualify for Kona

You’ll also be added to our email list where you’ll receive an invitation to our free monthly webinar.

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